Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Letter to Archbishop Pierre

Following is the letter of Bishop Robert Guglielmone to Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Nuncio.

August 31, 2018 

His Excellency Christophe Pierre, Nuncio  Apostolic Nunciature  3339 Massachusetts Ave NW  Washington, DC 20008-3610  

Dear Archbishop Pierre,  

Our Church is in crisis and as the leader of the Catholic faithful in the State of South Carolina, I write with urgency to express my sentiments and echo those of the people in my care. We feel betrayed, angry and misled.  

Something must be done now. I have several recommendations that support the statement from Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. It is imperative that the Holy See take a leadership role in investigating the rise of Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, despite the reported knowledge of his prior sexual misconduct and monetary settlements during his earlier diocesan assignments. It is absolutely necessary for all of us to know how and why this happened. Action must occur immediately and publicly.  

I, too, strongly support an investigation by the Holy See along with a national lay commission with its own authority to seek the truth about the statements made by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. These recent reports have triggered many different versions of what has actually happened and it is necessary that the Holy Father respond to the allegations made by the Archbishop. Please encourage the Holy Father to address these allegations directly. This is in everyone's best interest; lack of knowledge and uncertainty contribute to the confusion so much a part of our people's lives today. Our Church is called to be a beacon of light in the darkness. I ask that you be an ambassador of truth and assist in the securing of actionable change.  

Also, I wholeheartedly endorse every effort to reform and renew our initiatives to protect survivors in allowing the national review board to serve as an independent entity that will review allegations made against bishops. This work must be entrusted to the laity.  

This time of scandal requires especially strong and courageous leadership. I pray that all bishops commit to a new era of transparency and action. We must dedicate ourselves to the healing of all whose faith has been undermined and work to do all we can to prevent such crimes from happening in the future.  

Please know that I support all of your efforts to assist our Church here in the United States. 

In the Lord’s Peace, 

Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone 
Bishop of Charleston 

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Pennsylvania Report

Dear parishioners:
It was St. Francis of Assisi who said these words: “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” These words tragically became a lived reality for the Catholic Church last Tuesday when a grand jury report was released in Pennsylvania revealing the names of over 300 wicked shepherds who preyed on 1000 innocent vulnerable lambs. Countless clergy and laity across the US are horrified by the findings in the recently released report in Pennsylvania. Justified emotions such as anger, sadness, shame, disappointment and mistrust toward the Church have risen to the surface. The bottom line is some of the Church’s leaders have failed their flock and the Church with evil actions and need to be held accountable for their actions. 
Although the Church is experiencing a sense of extreme darkness and probably will for some time, the light of Jesus Christ which is inside each of us will lead us to victory. We experience this light through the many good shepherds who are assisting their flocks to grow in holiness. We experience this light through the works of the laity, who are making a positive difference in the world. We experience this light through the Sacraments especially the Eucharist where Jesus reveals Himself as the Bread of Life.
My dear friends let us continue to pray for continued healing of the victims and their families and for the purification of our Church. During this time we need to continue to remain close to the Sacraments that give us Hope. May Blessed Mother, who is our life, our sweetness, and our hope wrap her mantle of love around us and our Church that we may not feel despair at this time but journey with the Hope and Light of Jesus Christ. 
Thank you for your continued support and prayers for me and the priests and brothers of The Rock Hill Oratory. 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Propagation of the Faith

We welcomed Father Antony Benjamin and his message on behalf of the Diocesan Mission in India. Fr. Benjamin brought awareness of the tremendous needs of other places such as India.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On August 15th Catholics around the world mark the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, commemorating the end of her earthly life and assumption into Heaven. But while the feast day is a relatively new one, the history of the holiday - and the mystery behind it - has its roots in the earliest centuries of Christian belief.  According to St. John of Damascus, Roman Emperor Marcian requested the body of Mary. St. Juvenal replied, “that Mary died in the presence of all the apostles, but that the tomb upon the request of St. Thomas, was found empty.”

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Obituary - Bob Runde

Robert C, (Bob) Runde passed away on August 14, 2018 at Hospice & Community Care. Funeral will be held Monday, August 20 @ 1:00pm at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church, 292 Munn Rd, Fort Mill, SC, with Fr. John Giuliani officiating. A reception will follow in the Family Life Center. Interment will be private.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Welcome back Teachers

Saint Anne's teachers are back for another school year. They will spend time this week preparing, arranging their classrooms, decorating the halls, cleaning the shelves and storerooms. We welcome especially the new faculty members of our school.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Knights of Columbus Breakfast

On behalf of the Knights of Columbus I would like to say thanks to everyone to supported our seminarian Erik Roman during the Breakfast last weekend. I am sure I speak on behalf of Erik who now is back in Dallas for another year of formation.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Wedding of Jose Barahona & Belkis Ramos

Congratulations to Jose Barahona & Belkis Ramos for their Wedding on Saturday August 4th.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Mission Night

Thanks to Mr. Pedro Siqueira who inspired us to pray the Rosary reaching out to the divine presence of our Guardian Angels. Mr. Siqueira is a lawyer in Brazil and travels to many places sharing his God giving gifts. Thanks to Father Adilso Coelho who celebrated Holy Mass before the Rosary.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Experience of Emaus Retreat

Blessings to all the women who attended the Experience of Emaus Retreat on the weekend of July 27--29, 2018 at The Oratory. These ladies are ready to return to their parishes and engage in work that will contribute to the building of the kingdom.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Saint Anne Feast Day

"Anne, blessed above all others, we, too, bring our reverence, for you have given birth to the girl from whom He will come Who is the basis of all our hope. Blessed, indeed, above all others, and blessed in your offspring! The tongues of all believers sing the praises of your child. Every voice is raised in joy at her birth. How worthy Anne is of praise, most worthy, for she received the message of God’s goodness, and brought forth such fruit that from it would come our Lord, Jesus."  — St John of Damascus (8th cent.)

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Wedding of Rodrigo Garcia & Rosario Rodriguez

Congratulations to Rodrigo Garcia & Rosario Rodriguez for their Wedding on Saturday July 21st.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Wedding of Jose Hugo & Maria Angela

Congratulations to Jose Hugo and Maria Angela for their Wedding on Wednesday July 11th.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Wedding of Francisco and Maria

Congratulations to Francisco and Maria for their Wedding on Friday July 7th.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Wedding - Armando & Joanna

Congratulations to Armando and Joanna for their Wedding on Friday July 6th.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Knights of Columbus

Congratulations to The Oratory/St. Anne Knights of Columbus Council #6756 new officers for the fraternal year 2018-19. They were installed after the Rosary in the church on Tuesday at 6:30pm. Many thanks to District 10 Deputy Worthy Sir Knight Claire "Buck" Buckley for presiding. The gavel was turned over to incoming Grand Knight Mark Mizzer. The Parish is happy to have great brothers and we look forward to a fabulous year of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Deacon Jim's 25th Anniversary

Deacon Jim - on behalf of all the souls you have guided home, thanks for your dedicated service, thanks for "remaining faithful" - and in showing to all whom you minister the love and compassion of our gracious God. Thanks also to your wife Debbie, who has so generously let you give of your time and talent, to your ministry. Please join us at the Family Life Center to celebrate Deacon Jim’s 25th Anniversary on Saturday June 30th evening right after 5:30pm Mass.